Monday, October 13, 2008

I broke through the plateau!!!!

I broke through the plateau! I weighed today, 150.5, a total of 14.5 lbs gone!!!! Glory be to God! It's not fun in the mist of a plateau but I kept on doing what I knew to do. Every day I thank God that I feel better, I have more energy and my clothes are fitting again. Two weeks without the scale moving was trying but I think it was good for me. God was checking on my heart to see if I was treating it just like any other diet instead of a heart and life style change. I want to CHANGE!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Changes of the Heart!

Many changes have been going on in my heart other than food. It all started with being sick and tired of being over weight and trying every diet out there. I have tried so many different diets that I can't count them all. One thing that I did decide during all those different diets is that they do not work for me. I do not like to count points, calories, take certain food groups away, etc................ I have found something that works for me and I have lost 12.5 lbs. Praise God! Yes, I am working through a two week plateau, but I have confidence that will soon pass as long as I do what I know to do.

The other major thing that God has been working on Rocky and I, is to get out of debt. We do not have lots of debt and I am very thankful for that, but we do have some. God called us to get out of debt years ago. We would work on it and something would come up and we would lose focus. One thing that has stuck is not to use credit for "stuff." Just this one concept has kept us out of financial ruin. So, here we are once again, God has brought "getting out of debt" to our attention. Why? I really believe that God never intended for our personal lives and our nation to carry debt. It is like putting 5o lbs of weight on both shoulders and running 30 miles. We have been praying and asking God "what and how" do we do it. I am confident in the plan He has set out before us all we have to do is be obedient. It does not just start and stop with our (Rocky and I) finances but also learning how to teach our children to be good stewards of money. This morning the kids and I sat and put together ways they can earn money. We talked about tithing 10% of what they earn, setting money aside for savings, and saving up to buy "big" items they may want. This is going to be a family experience.

I love how God deals with us right where we are at, never pushing or rushing us to choose Him. I am thankful that He is willing to bring "things" to our attention and then shows us a way out. See, it started with my health and now He is getting into my money. It's so funny how He moves us when we are ready. Tackling weight loss/healthy life style and getting out of debt at one time would have been too much. He waited until I was ready and He placed it in Rocky's heart first and then mine. He is truly a good God, always merciful and faithful.

So, I am having another HEART CHANGE! I am READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Great Week!!!

It's been a really good week, it started off with me turning 30! I bless God that I have lived this long. Most people I talk with ask if I got a little depressed, nope not even a little. The number of my age does not hinder how I feel, the actual way I feel, is what I go by.

I did get on the scale yesterday, still 152. I am just hanging out there and not moving up or down. I will break through, hopefully sooner then later. A friend said I should up my exercise. I think I will add that to my goals for next week. I am not exercising as much as I would like, an average of 2 to 3 days a week.

I am month and half in my new way of eating. I feel like the last two and half weeks have not been as hard. I feel like this way of eat is turning into a habit. I am definitely not eating as much food as before, stopping when full and chewing my food well. "Thin eater" that's what I want to be.

I find I crave all sorts of food. So, keeping variety in the refrigerator and cabinets is a must. I have not gotten board with this new life style. I give all the credit to God, He is changing my heart toward food and even though the scale have not moved for two weeks, I can see the difference in the way I eat and the way I feel. People are starting to notice that I have lost weight and that's exciting!

Have a blessed weekend!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Still no weight loss. I weighed in at 152 today. I was kinda down at first but it will be okay. It has always been hard for me to get out of the 150's. I just need to keep on keeping on and I will break this. TIME is what I am telling myself.

Today is my birthday and I am going to enjoy my day!

Happy Week!!!

Slow vs. Fast eater

Slow vs. Fast eater