Friday, October 10, 2008

A Great Week!!!

It's been a really good week, it started off with me turning 30! I bless God that I have lived this long. Most people I talk with ask if I got a little depressed, nope not even a little. The number of my age does not hinder how I feel, the actual way I feel, is what I go by.

I did get on the scale yesterday, still 152. I am just hanging out there and not moving up or down. I will break through, hopefully sooner then later. A friend said I should up my exercise. I think I will add that to my goals for next week. I am not exercising as much as I would like, an average of 2 to 3 days a week.

I am month and half in my new way of eating. I feel like the last two and half weeks have not been as hard. I feel like this way of eat is turning into a habit. I am definitely not eating as much food as before, stopping when full and chewing my food well. "Thin eater" that's what I want to be.

I find I crave all sorts of food. So, keeping variety in the refrigerator and cabinets is a must. I have not gotten board with this new life style. I give all the credit to God, He is changing my heart toward food and even though the scale have not moved for two weeks, I can see the difference in the way I eat and the way I feel. People are starting to notice that I have lost weight and that's exciting!

Have a blessed weekend!

1 comment:

Cintia Listenbee said...

have a great weekend and much success next week!

Slow vs. Fast eater

Slow vs. Fast eater