Friday, September 12, 2008

Trying to stay focused.

It's been a couple of days since my last post, it's been a busy couple of days. There are lots of new things going on that have been keeping me pretty busy. In that, I have found that staying focus on my hunger signals have been hard. I have been waiting to long to eat so by the time I sit down to eat I want to gobble up all my food. It has taken great efforts to slllllllllllllloooooooowwww down the last couple of days.

I am trying to get some exercising in, walking mainly. It just feels good to get out and about and to breath in the fresh air. I really miss going to the gym, maybe when it gets cold again I will start back. The convenience of the gym with all the equipment really helps in challenging myself to work harder.

So far this week has gone pretty good, other than reminding myself I need to slow down while eating. Chewing my food up has really worked for me and now my husband is doing the same thing. I have notice small changes in him. He has stop going back for seconds and he is eating slower.

I think I am going to skip weighing in next week and see if my motivation stays up during this challenge. I tend to look at the scale to give me a boost for the week coming up. Sept. the 19th will be my one month mark since I started this journey. So, I think I will weigh on that day instead. I know, it's only a few days later, but the idea of changing up a little will help me from getting into a routine and depending on the scales.

Happy weekend to all!!! :)

1 comment:

Cintia Listenbee said...

A change in schedule can be challenging on the taste buds. I have to over concentrate not to overeat when I'm busy. I have to prep myself to that season and it's worth it - tough not always perfect. Wow, 1 month straight losing weight. That's a huge accomplishment. I hope you celebrate it. You are almost reaching your goal, I'm proud of you. I too am trying not to swallow my food before chewing (LOL) yesterday for example, I was really enjoying my greens with cornbread and I remembered your blog, so I slowed down and enjoyed a little. Have an awesome weekend!

Slow vs. Fast eater

Slow vs. Fast eater